viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Award week

"To be seen from above"*

Last week I won three awards (I know Im awesome)...

I won the first place in a short story contest with a work called "El tango de la mariposa" or "The butterfly tango" it is based on a tango by Carlos Gardel with the same name only applied to the fact some artist dedicate all their work to LatinAmerica and she gives back nothing.

Also my short film "6:oo AM" got the first place, and my painting "Para ser vista desde arriba" or "To be seen from above" got the third place on the painting contest... however I got a complaint:
The contest was called ExpresArte which transmits the idea that they seek for paintings in which you truly express something or some shit like that. The point is the first and second place were both pencil drawings with REALLY GOOD TECHNIQUE but that were a copy from pictures from the internet THEY DIDNT EVEN TAKE THA PICTURES. Now I know they are looking for picture copies, so next semester the work I send will be a Xerox copy from some picture or something... ARTISTIC STATEMENT MUCH?

*Thats how they displayed it.
In theory you should see it from above.

1 comentario:

  1. hahahah te amo!
    1)congrats por tus múltiples awards
    2)me encantó tu "I know... I'm awesome"
    3)me encantan esos hexagonos.. you still owe me a painting, though...
    4)por favor si manda una xerox copy hahah..
    that's it!
