viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Construction splatters and unique languages

Art has become so accesible. So mundane sometimes it takes a splattered canvas and a well payed gallery for someone to be considered an artist. Vito Acconci would try to convey his feeling so strongly that even brushes and canvases were not artistic enough tools. He would bite himself in the 70s to create a printed masterwork that would portray his true suffering and would require a real pain to be able to be produced. 39 years later anyone who can buy the paint and has the time to splatter a bit around is an "abstract-expressionist from Pollock's current and point of view". May I inquire where is the artistic trait? What makes it different than a splatter a construction worker accidentally made on the sidewalk. Are all construction workers then artists?

Paintings and artworks are somehow different... One is an encryption of a self. An actual sumart of a day, a week, a second or a life. A journal written in a language only an expert eye would understand (And sometimes not even the actual author). The other one is a functional item. A decor purposed object. A non trascendental attempt at money.

Art is satisfaction.

Art is life.

Art is everywhere.

Artist is anyone, who intends to be it. And who believes he is one.

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