martes, 2 de marzo de 2010


I watch Iron Chef and I am certain I want to dedicate my life to cooking... I then take a glimpse at an art-nouveau-esque add and I am sure I would like to know all the theor behind it and be able to analyze it thoroughly to the point of writting a book on Mucha's impact in the XXIst century.
It hasn't been hours before I am arguing with someone over a piece of literature and the intense thought of having a complete education on it is too big to control.

I am uncertain... I son't know where will my life take me (note it is not about where will I take MY life). As of now I can be happy with what I got

Cooking, Art, literature?


PD. I worte my historical investigation on activism in the 60s. It was amazing... maybe ill upload it when it's finished.

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